About Eric Vermeulen

Eric Vermeulen has been a partner in AKD's Tax practice group since 1 January 2016. The Mergers & Acquisitions and Management Participations knowledge groups also enjoy his membership.

Eric specialises in providing tax advice to national and international companies. His broad practice focuses on international restructuring activity, M&A, lucrative interests, taxable income from substantial interests, and employee participations.

He has been a lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam since 2002, and at Nyenrode Business University since 2018. At the latter, he teaches on the tax aspects of acquisitions, as part of the Business Valuation programme. Combining his knowledge of the financial aspects of the valuation and M&A world to his knowledge of taxation, Eric has the ability to swiftly and thoroughly grasp the chances of success of takeovers and participations by private equity, management, employees and family members. His contacts with valuation experts working within the Dutch Tax Authorities are a useful asset in this context.

Eric graduated in Tax Law and Fiscal Economics from Tilburg University. He is a member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers, NOB.

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More about

  • Tilburg University: Tax law
  • Tilburg University: Fiscal economy
  • The Dutch Association of Tax Advisers